The even greener dream.

september-morning-040We are very excited to present to you the new, updated version of our blog. The aim is to make it more readable, easier to navigate and hopefully a more visually pleasing experience. There will be a few weeks of ongoing transition work happening. We never realized that a “read more line” could be added to each blog posts so that you only see the first few lines of it. We will add these lines to all of our old posts over the coming weeks, creating a more user friendly blog. We will also slowly add pages filled with information about our forest garden and ecologically friendly building practices.

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Other dreams.



A few months ago a friend of ours said we should get a copy of Mary Reynolds’s book; The Garden Awakening. Our friend said she thought we would thoroughly enjoy it and she couldn’t have been more right. The book arrived in the mail one morning and our building and gardening projects were abandoned for a few hours, while we poured over the book with a feeling of coming home.

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Reflections on August.


As we are writing this the rain is streaming down the window and when we look back at the month of August we realize that we have had many days like today recently.


Our tomatoes that started off so promising have succumbed to the damp and are blackened by blight. Next year we will try to grow them in our new conservatory or maybe if we are lucky our planned poly-tunnel.

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Visiting the ancients.


There has been a short break in the blog posts on thegreenerdream.  This is due to our recent holiday, visiting family in England and camping in Wales.  We travelled on the ferry from Rosslare in the south of Ireland to Pembroke in Wales.  As we want to be as green as possible we chose not to fly off to some far away country for our holidays, but to combine family visits with a few days of camping and visiting friends.

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